The 5 Kinds Of Guys That Like You.

We all have crushes and we all also have “Crushees” . Crushee is someone who likes us. Even though its pretty rare in my case at least but these are the few that every girl has once encountered.

    1.The Silent Stalker
He knows your schedule like the back of his hand and can recite off your favorite things in  just one breath. Its customary for all your social media updates to have him notified. He has probably like you for ages and you have no idea that he even exists. These guys  have had a crush on you for years but never really come out with it. They know your every move but wouldn’t ever face you. They like you from distance and for you he’s just another batch mate.
                Girl Advise: Get some courage and send that “Hi”

    2. The Teaser
So he’s this friend of yours whom you have had a constant love-hate relationship. He will mock you about everything from the way you talk to how you dress. But here is the truth however hard to believe this bully of a friend has a thing for you which he tries to mask under the teasing and regular mocking. He is a confused about his feelings about you and is scared to confess therefore Humor covers it.

Girl Advise:DO or Die High Time you tell her or she might just stop being frinds with your constant bullying.

  3.   The Loud Lover
You know he likes you. Your friends know, his friends know, your colleagues know, his cousins knows, the watchman knows even his pet dog knows that he has a thing for you. This one makes sure that his love is known and renowned for all over the world. His love is like a the apple logo . It has to be shown at all times. Everywhere to everybody. Don’t be surprised to find him singing outside you window on midnight. With speaker ofcourse.!
          Girl Advise: Tone it down. You will scare away the girl.

   4.   The Friendzoned
The ones all the guys have been complaining about. This guy is our best friend we treat him like our family member .We have endless memories and we love and adore him BUT as a friend. Somewhere along the late night conversations and endless laughter his liking towards you creeps in putting in danger the relationship you share.
Girl Advise: Extremely Delicate Situation Its always better to Talk it Out and Decide.

  5.   The Forbidden Fruit:
You are the forbidden fruit he can’t ever date you. Like Ever. This can be your junior from school or your best friend’s elder brother or her hot cousin from Mumbai. But he can’t date you due to social norms. To him you are the forbidden fruit which makes you all the more desirable.

Girl Advise: Just Go For It. At times the things that are not supposed to happen are meant to happen!

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