Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai: The Indian Sitcom

We all know that “Friends” Is definitely one of the best sitcoms ever. Definitely Evergreen. People ask me this a lot :
Which Indian Sitcom Is Evergreen?
Answer: Sarabhai V/s Sarabhai

A story set in a sophisticated Mumbai household the  flavors and fun of its characters is rib-tickling. So if you want to binge watch something this vacation dive into this extremely hilarious family. Which is one of the most Dysfunctional  Family of Adults.
1.    Maya Sarabhai
Real Family Reference:  The NRI Aunty

Definitely the head of the Sarabhai Clan. 
Worshipped by her sons and the epitome of class and sophistication in the society. Her “Upper-Class” attitude and façade will keep you laughing like crazy. After all she loathes “Monisha being Middle Class”

2.    Monisha Sarabhai
Real Family Reference: The Cheap Mami JI

The epitome of a typical middle class woman. Who nags for 2.rupees, reuses old clothes to make cushion covers, follows Hindi soap operas religiously and is extremely funny and careless  girl with a heart of gold.

3.    Sahil Sarabhai
Real Family Reference: The Sweet Chacha

He is the “Sandwhich” always caught up between the two ends. Be it his wife and mother or his brother and father. The nice fellow who has to suffer the burnt of everything.
4.    Indravadhan Sarabhai
Real Family Reference: The  Fun Uncle

My absolute favorite. The root cause of all the trouble in the Sarabhai household . His witty one liners and hatred against his own son will have you in splits. Its hard not to fall in love with him.
5.    Roshesh Sarabhai
Real Family Reference: The Cousin Who No One Likes

The apple of his mother’s eyes. He is the prey to all practical jokes and Pranks. With his extremely annoying poetry and even worse acting skills he is one to watch out for.
6.    Dushyant
Real Family Reference: The IItian Cousin

The Son-In-law of the house who is an engineer and gives machines more love and attention than humans. He is unable to understand sarcasm of any kind also uses Roshesh to demonstrate each of his experiment.
7.    Madhusudan Fufa Ji
Real Family Reference: The Irritating Distant Relative

He is hard Of hearing and her doesn’t admit it. He is the only one who nags Indravadhan on the show with his constant  “HAIN?”

 Hot Mess Express Signing off!
While you dive into episodes of Pure Laughter!


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