The Titanic Pose!

Did you guys know Titanic was released in  over 10 major languages !So basically that means- Almost every Human Being on the planet has seen it.Which also means almost every human being is aware of the Ever Popular “Titanic Pose”. The one where Jack and Rose stand with open widespread arms.

 I am presently on a vacation. I was hit by this Realization  when I saw a newly married couple trying  to attempt this pose  in  midst a waterfall.  Even though the Husband couldn’t balance the wife’s weight  and the wife just couldn’t  find her footing in the water and kept falling down I am surprised she didn’t  end up breaking anything.  Finally after a million attempts they got it right and their camera fell in the water!

A little look around showed me how every couple of all ages was attempting  the same.On the  hill, café, rock , the pole, the bench and of course! In the water.

Apparently its considered the” The Most Romantic Pose”.  In the world.

Now don’t get me wrong I love the movie Titanic as much as the next girl!

But again,
Arms at 180 degrees doesn’t really say true love. (Especially when you are on a tree) Or whereever the people are down below.

 I guess it just goes to prove that our lives are heavily influenced by the Fictional Tales!

 And its not the phenomenon of today but has always been this way. Contrary  to  whatever “Today’s Generation” is Blamed for.

This movie  released almost 19 years back and  its after effects are still present.Just for fun Scrounge through old pictures of your parents or other relatives  you will definitely find one of these!

Hot Mess Express Signing off!
