India Is a SAFE Country For Girls

India is a Safe Country For Girls


I, a teen girl living in India studying in Delhi. Say this statement  boldly and publicly.

 Before you start calling an ambulance for me or googling all the evidence of increase in rape rates and female murders. Let me ask you something:  Is the whole of India Unsafe?

I live in Noida as a single,independent and alone , I I think 10 times before leaving my room and going outside be it just to get a glass of juice, I am still eve teased even if I wear salwar kameez. But then what changed my  perspective?

Answer: Travelling

Like you guys know recently I went on a vacation I was travelling by train. It took me to quite a few states of the country. So I did a social experiment I got down on each of the train stations to notice the reaction towards me!

Social Experiment

Delhi: Extremely Busy Crowd, but that doesn’t stop them from giving me a look over a complete from top to bottom judging me like a piece of vegetable.

Uttar Pradesh:  A lot of on purpose touching and pushing, eyes followed me around the platform. Attempts to grope forced me to retreat.
Bihar:  A Helpful crowd but Lot of catcalls and taunts. Some extremely funny. (a post on that coming soon)

West Bengal: A few stares here and there. But generally a safer feeling. A little un-cooperative though.

  Bihar:  A Helpful crowd but Lot of catcalls and taunts. Some extremely funny. (a post on that coming soon)

Sikkim:  No letching no stares, no groping and no touching. A sense of chivalrousness  in men.

Punjab:. They like feasting their eyes but would jump to help you with that extra luggage or getting you a cup of tea on the station.

Maharashtra : An energetic crowd with everywhere minding their own business a sense of equality.

P.s: Incase you are wondering where I was travelling this is a collection of all my experiences from recent past.


You might have had a different experience. But this is how I was treated at these platforms.

So yes, Even though I have just taken a few states into consideration I feel that the current situation can be improved and I too like every Indian girl dream of a country where  I can dress freely and roam around the night without a guard.

Think about it!

#Thehotmessexpress! Signing off!


  1. I love your social experiment. It's such a new perspective. Checking people's reaction on railway platforms.
    Well north-east does top in being safer than its western counterparts.
    And I agree there is a lot to be improved upon. But someday we shall see the light of the day when girls aren't an object to please the eyes.


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